Art blythe Custom Dollies Dolls

In a Corner

In a corner, originally uploaded by sylviecola(trying to catch up.).

Meet Lucy Limeade. Remember a week or two ago I mentioned the factory or proto-type Blythes that I was expecting? Well here she is. Actually,  it’s just her scalp put on a Simply Lilac bait Blythe I had lying around. I’m deciding what to do with the faceplate she came with. I believe it is Tarts and Tea’s. It looks to be natural and the only one that matched to the pictures.

When my factory girls came they had some flaws with the eye-mech where they weren’t turning properly. I have since fixed the little problems.

The other doll I got was a Ribbonetta Wish Scalp on Urban Cowgirl. The eye lids also are RW’s. I’m deciding what to do with her. I fixed her hair. She didn’t have the bangs cut and not much thatching was in place so I sorted that out. I had to give her bangs because her thatching stops midway because she was meant to have thick bangs.

For now I plan to keep my Amaryllis girl. Normally, I find it difficult to bond with my customs unless their make-up is very light. But with this hair, I just have to enjoy it for a while.

Art blythe Custom Dollies Dolls

The Power of Green

Agua get’s a makeover, originally uploaded by sylviecola(trying to catch up.).

No, I’m not talking about money…well not directly. I’m talking green hair. Anytime I’ve customized a doll with green hair and then offer her up for sale or even before she’s been offered up, the doll gets snatched up pretty fast.

This pretty girl in the picture is my customized Simply Peppermint, Agua.  Alas, she’s mine no longer and is actually on her way to Australia.  ‘

I wasn’t initially planning on selling her but the previous doll I finished up, Frankie Freckle Face, became too irresistible to sell so I decided to keep her for now.  And after an impulse buy or two,  I had to put another girl in her place.  Agua volunteered. My house is too crazy for her I guess.

I will miss her.  However,  I’m waiting for a factory doll,(impulse buy,)  that has Amaryllis’ hair and I’ve been itching to add her to my collection. Plus since this doll is a factory/prototype doll, I don’t have to feel guilty about customizing her since Amaryllis is quite expensive.

Back to green hair. I guess it’s no coincidence that of all the fantasy colors CWC uses, different shades of green seems to be one of the most frequently used. Pink is actually used the most for fantasy colors and then I think green is next.

blythe Custom Dollies Dolls repaint reroots

twittering along

Well, I’ve joined the twitter bandwagon. Not sure how it works just yet.  Actually, I have an idea but I’m just trying to get the hang of it.  Feel free to follow me if you are in the twitter world.

So much to talk about. I don’t have much time to update, (why am I going on twitter then?) but I’m excited to say my custom dolls made cameos in the February 2010 issue of Haute Doll Magazine. My good friend and avid doll collector Iveta Babiakova wrote an article covering BlytheCon 2009. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to attend but our friend Maggie joined Iveta and she has several of my customs Blythes and brought them along.

They made the front row in the picture above and you can click on the picture to see which are mine. So that’s a little exciting. There’s another picture where there’s some green haired girls and Maggie’s Apple shows up.  I’m also mentioned on the first page as being the one to get Iveta addicted to Blythe. Good thing they’re not really drugs or I’d be put in the slammer as a pusher. Funny enough that’s Iveta’s official title among her doll friends.

A big congrats to Iveta on the article. It’s very well written and a must read for all the Blythe obsessed so do check it out. I picked my copy up at my local Barnes and Noble.